Empathy And Compassionate Care Essay By: Olivia Gagne

Empathy And Compassionate Care Essay By: Olivia Gagne

One important thing I have learned in clinical is that I have the power to make a difference in patients lives, one patient at a time.  To do so, a nurse must remember to not only use empathy, but compassion as well.  One story that I always remember is the star fish story.  It’s about a five year old girl on a beach in Florida after a hurricane had destroyed their land.  There were thousands of star fish washed up…

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Art and Nursing

Art and Nursing

I believe nurses save lives not only ‘on the clock’, but off the clock too.  We are trained how to perform CPR to someone in cardiac arrest, to “stopping the bleed”, or simply knowing that a small sign such a droopy side of the face and slurred speech could mean this person might have a stroke.   I have already been to Africa, and although I wasn’t trained yet being a nurse, I was able to see how I would…

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