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Month: February 2021

ATI Adaptive Maternal/Newborn Reflection

ATI Adaptive Maternal/Newborn Reflection

This ATI went pretty well as I’m slowly improving my test taking skills and strategies. To begin, I became better at priority questions. Which patient is the most critical, which patient would I see first. This is very important in any medical setting as I will have many different patients, and it’s up to me as the Nurse to critically think who would need the most help and who would I see first. This is something I’m proud about, but…

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ATI Adaptive Medical Surgical assessment

ATI Adaptive Medical Surgical assessment

This adaptive test I took too fast.  First off to begin, I’m writing these first two reflections at the same time as I didn’t fully understand we had to also reflect on the eportfolio.  Knowing this, I will focus more in the future related to things I discussed related to my ati Pharm reflection, as well as my reflection now related to ati medical surgical adaptive quiz.  My first fault here was I went too fast.  I was constantly looking…

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ATI Adaptive Pharmacology assessment Reflection

ATI Adaptive Pharmacology assessment Reflection

The ATI adaptive Pharmacology assessment went better than expected for my frist adaptive quiz this semester.  For one, I ranked in the “Hard” category which is a wonderful start! Although it was 17th percentile, the fact that I made it to the hard was reassuring.  This was something that went well.  Something that I realized is I want to review pharmacology drugs in general, and review patient teaching and side effects.  I found this great PDF with common medications nurses…

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Post NICU Nurse Interview Reflection

Post NICU Nurse Interview Reflection

One day in my future I aspire to be like the NICU nurse who I interviewed on February 8, 2021.  By just simply hearing her stories I could tell she’s an amazing nurse who changes lives each day, even if she doesn’t know it.  I learned that in order to join the NICU, you need to give it your all.  This was shown with her empathy while talking about certain scenarios she’s gone through.  You could hear in her voice…

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“NURSES: If Florence Could See Us Now”

“NURSES: If Florence Could See Us Now”

I believe every nurse should watch this video to not only explore different options of nursing, but to realize how special the career of nursing truly is.  There were many things that touched my heart throughout the hour that makes me look forward to becoming an RN very soon.  For one, we have the opportunity to change people’s lives every day.  This could simply be with a hug, all the way to catching a symptom early and saving someone’s life. …

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Resume and Cover Letter Draft

Resume and Cover Letter Draft

The following is my draft for my resume, and two of my cover letters! I’d appreciate any constructive feedback! I put two different cover letter examples that I’ve came up with.

Pre-Interview Reflection

Pre-Interview Reflection

The person I’m choosing to interview reflects qualities I aspire to have as a future nurse.  She is not only a NICU nurse, but also a mother, sister, wife, aunt and more to her big family.  She seems to balance play time with her kids, with her work life in the NICU. I’m curious about how she does it all.  She seems to maintain a positive attitude and a calm growth environment with her family.  By observing all of this,…

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